Keshav Seva Prakalp

Raise funds for saving the world from global warming
- Goal ₹10,00,000
- Raised ₹95,000
Keshav Seva Project under Dr.Hedgewar Janmashatabdi Seva Samiti run Different projects related to Education, Women Empowerment, Medical, Liberary and many more
About Cause
The major thrust of the organization is to bring about transformation in the socio-economic condition of deprived, underprivileged and of the population at extreme end of the society through sustained efforts carried out continuously. The organization undertakes activities like orphanages for tribal children; education through establishing schools and hostels in the remote and tribal areas. The organization also aims at goal of “health for all” through establishing mobile dispensary which move far and wide and reach otherwise inaccessible remote villages and scarcely populated areas. The mobile dispensary along with doctors and medical kit move in the area and visit the location once or twice in a week depending upon need and population. Mobile dispensary is equipped with basic medicines which are administered and case record is maintained. This effort has helped in long way and number of people benefiting from it is ever increasing. Upon examination if it transpires that further attention is required by the patient the case is referred to nearby hospital. The medicines administered are mainly Ayurvedic medicines. Results as mentioned are encouraging and over the years the numbers of patients have increased substantially. In many areas the local population anxiously awaits the arrival of the Mobile Dispensary. All the medicines given are free and no charges are recovered from any patient. The trust/society is also running a small hostel for the most deprived section of the society and intends to expand the activities. The demand for the hostel facilities every increasing and the organizers/trustees are on many occasions with heavy heart required to deny further admission. These facilities are also provided free of cost and all the expenditure is taken up by the trust only. The admission process is very strict and only the most needy and deserving is accommodated.

What We Do
- Liberary for Student of 10,12th Standard and Competitive Exam Preparation.
- Aims to provide free medical and surgical equipment including Oxygen Cylinder and Concentrator.
- Free OPD Clinic by Specialize Doctors
- Women Empowerment by Training/development programs and activities that aim to achieve self-reliance.
- SKILL Development Kendras provide training for Home Appliance, AC, Water Cooler and Many more
Dr.Hedgewar JanmaShatabdi Seva Samiti, places special emphasis on health and wellness endeavours.
We like to start health projects, as
1.Mobile Dispensaries – At present we have 1 mobile dispensary van.
2. Medical Centers – At Present free medicine and health
education at Keshave Seva Prakalp only.
3. Diagnostic Centers – We like to start centre with X
Ray, ECG, Blood Test, Urine test, stool test are all done here under doctor’s
4. Women Empowerment by vocational training to economically underprivileged women.
5. Library & Tuition to Higher Education and Competitive Exams.
About Cause
- Medical Care
- Health Food
- Education
- Pure Water
- Ecology