
Samkalp Gurukulam (UPSC Academy)

संकल्प का कोई विकल्प नहीं


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To identify and guide students who can contribute towards nation building through civil services and help them inculcate Indian values and ethos. To imbibe in them the values of honesty, integrity, compassion, social, commitment, excellence, foresightedness, determination, devotion to duty, loyalty and dedication to the national welfare.

To help develop the leadership qualities and management skills besides innovative thinking, Samkalp is making efforts to infuse these qualities through well thought of and meticulously planned activities at different levels of their studies in a progressive manner.

About Cause

SAMKALP was established in 1986 to groom students to take up the administrative services of the country, as a career with a missionary zeal, nationalistic spirit and a total commitment towards basic human values. Samkalp strives to inspire in them, a sense of confidence and determination to become better administrators.

The team comprising of some like minded friends joined together to give shape to these ideas. The incumbent bureaucracy was required to have the qualities of Governance and its application.

Together the team decided that the need is not only of intellectuals but of effective, morally sound, resilient and grounded intellectuals. The level of commitment along with the ability to adapt to the changing scenario or to think out of the box to meet the “needs and demands” of the people of India.

Samkalp strived to follow and inculcate his dedication and ethos in every soul that comes in its vicinity.

It was realized that it’s the civil servants who play a great role in the nation building. It was utmost importance that these civil servants are principled and having vision to make the result of the policies reach down to the common man. Samkalp aimed to imbibe in them the values of Honesty, Integrity, Compassion, Social Commitment, Excellence, Foresightedness, Determination and Devotion towards duty, along with loyalty and dedication to the national cause and inculcate true Indian values and ethos.

They were required to show leadership qualities and exceptional management skills besides innovative thinking. Continuous efforts were made to infuse these qualities through of and meticulously planned activities at different levels in a progressive manner.

What We Do

– Indian Administrative Services (IAS)

– Indian Police Services (IPS)

-Indian Foreign Service (IFS)

– Indian Railway Service (IRS)

– Indian Audit and Accounts Services (IAAND AS)

– Indian Civil Account Services (ICAS)

-Indian Revenue Services (IRS):

– Indian Customs and Central Excise Services (IRS)

– Indian Revenue Service (IRS)

– Indian Defense Accounts Services (IDAS)

– Indian Information Service (IIS)

– Indian Ordnance Factories Services (IOFS): – Indian Postal Service (IPS)

Donation Hotline:

+62 142 141265

About Cause